Friday, July 10, 2009


3 weeks to the day…

Three weeks to the day we left Winston-Salem, NC, we arrived at the Pacific Ocean. Pretty awesome. We pulled into Nehalem Bay State Park and the kids immediately ran over the sand dunes to the beach. Lloyd and I set up the camper and wandered over the dunes towards the kids and the ocean. The dunes were filled with blooming wild flowers, and the ocean… well, while the sand and dunes look remarkably like the outer banks in NC, the big difference is the mountains. The huge, gorgeous, amazing mountains and the wild, jungle-like forests!

Between the tall trees, the ferns, and the lush greenery, it feels like a tropical rainforest. You almost expect to see little monkeys swinging from the trees. Or on an extra special day, a unicorn!

Note to karen: Yes, that was a gum wall. You have a good eye for that kind of stuff! ;-)

1 comment:

  1. wow the pic with Lloyde and the humungas rock...and the picture of the beautiful.
